That patch applies to Spherical (c) 1989 Rainbow Arts. You will have to install it with that install to run it from hd. That install needs WHDLoad and The Patcher 1.03 in the path (eg in c:). Fixed: Game runs now on 68020+. Default quitkey is numerical *. Change it with the QUITKEY-tooltype. Cheat mode: Type BLADERUNNER in the title screen, then numerical 9, then you can choose the number of players with numerical 1 or 2. In the game cursor keys allow level change. The install is tested with 2 MB on an A1200, and on an 18 MB 68030. Since my installs are freeware, and although i try to make them as reliable as possible, you use them wholly on your own risk. Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha Other installs: